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Intention Of Perceptions Is Power Perceptions Of Intention Is Powerful

Disclaimer: How you interpret the words I provide may or may not be the same.

Intentions Perceptions Powerful Power

The title has two parts. Neither is of much use until we connect them together with our intentions.
#BigData = Perceptions Of Intentions Is Powerful.

We are obsessed with stats. Study stats in such detail that even our schools are order blank closing. If you can remember the facts long enough to write the test you pass. It does not mean we actually learned anything except how to spoof the results. When I went to school, I showed up for review days and test days, and my average over all the years was 89%.

There are a few educational institutions that teach how to learn not what to learn. I feel anything else from an educational institution is not a educational institution, that is something quite different.

We have studied the online user until we know how many will-knots they had this week. Went way past the real information that matters. But what do we do with it.

We analise it with our own perceptions and intentions to perceive the perception and intentions of others.

Complete waste of time. A mute exercise. The result is an over complicated goo that is impossible for any one individual to ascertain a perception because the intentions behind the information got lost some where.

Talk numbers with a statistician and they get excited, it is contagious, and with out them we truly would be hampered in our progress. The statistician to keep the data of use has to refrain from adding what it means if it was about them.

Intention Of Perceptions Is Power

In order to convey what this means I have to make an oxymoron of myself by analyzing my perceptions of the intentions of others. To funny.

To know the intentions of others requires no perception.

Serious now we all have dreams. And to make our dreams come true we have to find a way to complete the circuit of communication as stated on my profile, once the sender and receiver have the same perception, success is imminent.

We share, we converse, we interpret the stats of information. No where is it taught to interpret the energy that a simple human thought creates, the intention.

Example hint of power: You will not remember others, you will remember how you feel about their presence and the information shared.

When I hear or read what another has shared. I absorb the information and then wait. Eventually if I allow this to come to me by not comparing it to what I would intend, the intention of the sender becomes crystal clear.

How do I do this? I interpret the energy of the intention with my skin. Not my ears and eyes.

Why is it we claim to be so intelligent we can consider relearning what we already know about the results?

Not the cause, this we are to insecure to consider.

Once you have a clear perception of the intention of the sender as your perception becomes the mirror of the senders perception of their intention you then have the power to reach not to them as teachers do, not at them as tyrants do, but with them an empathy that has more power then all the money in the world blasting out repetition of goo.
By-Passing the Reptilian Brain to Restore Your Creative Power

This statement is passed around like candy , to me it is leading us off a cliff. You have no intention, no presence, no consciousness, in a nut shell it says to restore your creative power you need to be dead.

The truth of our reptilian mind as being the control of all brain functions and instinctual physiological intelligence that is separate from our brain is to soon be the norm. Not the misconception that the reptilian mind is lower, but actually the highest. What caused our brain and mind to develop?

Our intentions

If you doubt this refer to this fact, with out the separate physiological intelligence of instinct, our brains would not have developed at all.

We would be extinct.

In conclusion and never the end, tip's hat

To get to the sender and the receiver to have the same intention by uniting the sender and the receiver perception is power.

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